
Showing posts from September, 2022

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I spend hours out harvesting my herbs before the last of the season. After a long evening in the chill of September, I want a long, hot shower. All the herbs are tall, at least those I have not yet cut, because of the recent rain they all had a growth spurt. What I loved about the post I found first, that caused me to want to look around more, was a list of seasonal reflections. Use 1 tsp dried or 1 Tablespoon fresh crumbled leaves to one cup of hot water. Meagan Visser is a Registered Nurse turned herbalist, who has used botanicals to naturally care for herself and her family for the last decade and teaches others how to do the same. Read more about her herbal journey here, and feel free to send her a message here. Hawthorn shrubs are a common sight in wild and garden hedgerows, making a beautiful display with their spring pink and white blooms and later in autumn with their plump red berries. They can also be used to create a delicious tipple which is also used by herbalists for